/SPORTXS store

location: stores in Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad

area: ranging from 135 to 750 sq m


- To conceptualise a powerful brand experience for a speciality sports store, with a high product density

- To devise an efficient, versatile and quick-to-build display system that can accommodate multiple forms and sizes of over 5000 products

- To design and deliver the concept in a tight timeline and within the stipulated budget 

design response

The visualisation for the retail outlet started with the intent to re-create the spirit of an outdoor stadium, complete with the rugged aesthetics. An elliptical display core, marked by a high lighting mast (reminiscent of stadium lights) delineates the circulation path. The lighting system is worked out as silver space frames holding reflectors, set against the predominant black colour scheme of the interiors. The display for the store is an assembly of steel grid with clips and hangers, which accommodate products of varying dimensions. The brand identity is dealt with not only visually, but also aurally, to create a stadium like environ in the interiors. The visitors are greeted with sounds of stadium at the arrival, which marks the threshold into a space that is reflective of this aural treatment.

© 2020 Aakruti